
by Scribble Monboddo

I'm possibly a bit of a rebel, but I've never yet found the planner which I couldn't break. I just don't take orders all that well. But as the 'new normal' spins out to include working from home and very occasional trips to the office, I was glad to have the Stalogy A5 planner with me on my first visit to the Big Smoke yesterday.

Stalogy, you see, know a thing or two about human nature. They know we're analogue, and organic, not given to simply doing what we're told. Swapping between books for dates, notes and doodles is just such a bore. So now you don't have to. This notebook is in a sensible A5 format which fits in any set-up, while the date and time marks are there if you need them, but barely visible if you don't. You could have an appointments list on one page and brief notes on the next, or vice versa, and there'd be no difficulty at all. This is the only way to get people like me planned; let us do it for ourselves.

Of course, the reason I have actually found myself using a book which foolishly claims it can organise me is that the paper is excellent - and there's lots of it. It's fairly thin, so it doesn't take up much space and weight, but it can handle big wet fountain pens without any difficulty. That's another thing which helps with the new portfolio lifestyle, of course; take a few toys to work! If you're a fellow maverick, you might just find this is the A5 work tool for you... with just a hint of play.