Morning Notes Journal

by Amanda Fleet

There have been several posts on here about journaling, or morning pages, or productivity, but these have largely involved using unstructured notebooks that we like.

The Morning Notes Journal by LSW is different. It's been designed to help you have a positive, productive mindset, via guided sections within the book. It has 12 undated weeks' worth of pages; some are daily pages, some are for reflections, some are quotes, etc. As it's undated, you can start with it any time.

Right at the start of the book, it asks you to write down the goals you want to achieve in the next three months (the 12 weeks of the book), and what daily habits you need to adopt to achieve those goals. Perhaps your goal is to lose 5 kg. Your daily habits might involve more exercise or healthier eating. Or maybe your goal is to finish the book you've been writing for a squillion years (ahem.... Stu), and so your daily habits might be to find 30 minutes for writing. You get my drift.

The bulk of the pages are daily pages, with a variety of sections to be completed at the start of the day: What are your intentions for the day? What obstacles might get in your way? What can you learn from yesterday to make today better? List 3 things to do today that will make you happy, and note what you are grateful for.

At the end of every week, there is a notes page for reflection etc, and interspersed through the weeks are quote pages or snippets of advice, and pages to colour in.

After four weeks, and eight weeks, there is a check-in section, getting you to reflect on what's gone well, how well you're achieving your goal, and what you've learned. There's also a gratitude diary.

After the three months, there is another review section, and right at the back are a few more notes pages.

The paper is 100 gsm, and the book is A5 (15.3 cm x 21.6 cm for the cover; A5 pages).

I think this is a great little book to help you make progress towards your goals. The aim would be that after 12 weeks, you had seen good progress, and got into the daily habits that had led to that progress. I'm not sure if I'd bother to colour in the 'Colour Me' pages, but I do have friends that like that kind of thing.

Current stock is low, so if you fancy getting one either for yourself, or as a Christmas present, you'd better be quick.

LSW Morning Notes Journal